jQuery 1.2: jQuery.extend(“Awesome”)

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Attend jQueryCamp Boston!
We’re having a free one day conference this October and most of the jQuery team will be there. Come along, ask questions, and meet the people who build the library that you love!

This is a massive new release of jQuery that’s been a long time in the making – and it’s ready for your consumption!

We’ve put the full jQuery 1.2 release notes on a page of it’s own, since there’s so much to dig through. REMEMBER, features were removed in 1.2, so please be sure to read the notes on how to upgrade before doing so.

As always, there’s going to be bugs, so please submit them to the bug tracker and we’ll try to get them sorted out, right away. You can probably expect a minor bug fix release within the week to take care of any pressing issues.

jQuery 1.2 (Full Release Notes)


jQuery 1.2: (How To Upgrade)


New Features

  • Selectors
    •  :has(selector)
    •  :header
    •  :animated
    • XPath Selector Plugin
  • Attributes
    • .val() Overhaul
  • Traversing
    • .map()
    • .prevAll() / .nextAll()
    • .slice()
    • .hasClass()
    • .andSelf()
    • .contents()
  • Manipulation
    • .wrapInner() / .wrapAll()
    • .replaceWith() / .replaceAll()
    • Event Cloning
  • CSS
    • .offset()
    • .height() / .width() for document and window
  • Ajax
    • Partial .load()
    • Cross-Domain getScript
    • JSONP
    • .serialize() Overhaul
    • Disable Caching
  • Effects
    • .stop()
    • %/em Animations
    • Color Animations
    • Relative Animations
    • Queue Control
    •  :animated
    • step: Function
  • Events
    • Namespaced Events
    • .triggerHandler()
  • Internals
    • Documentation Move
    • Expando Management

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

This Sunday, September 16th, the brand new jQuery UI is coming to your town. Draggables, droppables, resizables, shadows, sliders, sortables, tabs, accordions, selectables, trees, and modals. All completely documented, demoed, themed, and 100% Free Open Source Software.

To whet your appetite, here’s quick peak at what you can look forward to:

Sexy jQuery UI

Feel free to Digg this post.

jQueryCamp ’07 (Boston)

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We’re going to be having the first all-day jQuery mini-conference October 27th, here in Boston, MA. Already, a large portion of the jQuery team will be attending and giving talks – so if you’re interested in meeting some of the people who’ve helped to make jQuery possible and chatting with fellow developers, then this is a fantastic place to do it!

This event will be immediately following the Ajax Experience conference. A number of people are coming to both events, generally sponsored as business travel by their employer. If you need any more details about the events in order to coordinate that, please let me know.

Be sure to add yourself to the registration list so that we know how large of a venue to get. Hope to see everyone there!

If you, or your company, is interested in sponsoring this event, please contact John Resig. We’re generally looking for a couple hundred dollars to help defray the cost of food – and if we get enough, t-shirts for those who attend.

jQuery 1.1.4: Faster, More Tests, Ready for 1.2

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We’re pleased to announce the latest release of jQuery: jQuery 1.1.4. Barring any horrible mistakes, this release will be the last of the 1.1.x branch – leading us up to the release of jQuery 1.2 in September.

You can download the release from the jQuery Google Code page:



A number of improvements have gone into this release, in addition to all of the normal bug fixes.

Any Name jQuery

jQuery has taken a big step to become the first major JavaScript library completely capable of renaming itself. Previously, functionality was provided to rename the oft-used ‘$’ shortcut for ‘jQuery’ – but now you can also rename both ‘$’ and ‘jQuery’. This allows for two fantastic results:

  • You can now include multiple versions of jQuery, simultaneously, on the same page.
  • You can now embed jQuery into the namespaces of other objects and libraries, for example:
    // With the Dojo Toolkit
    dojo.jquery = jQuery.noConflict(true);
    dojo.jquery("#elem div").slideDown("slow");
    // or with Yahoo UI
    YAHOO.query = jQuery.noConflict(true);

Speed Improvements

What would a release be without some speed improvements? We took the opportunity to step beyond any previously-released speed test suites and improve the speed of the three most commonly used portions of jQuery: ID selectors, tag name selectors, and each() loops. It’s absolutely critical that each of these items are made as fast as possible, as they have the possibility of being re-used endlessly, and repeatedly.

Here’s the test suite used to analyze the speed of the three changes.

$(“#id”) Improvements

Browser jQuery 1.1.3 jQuery 1.1.4 % Improvement
IE 6 651ms 70ms 830%
Firefox 2 1355ms 27ms 4919%
Safari 3 101ms 14ms 620%
Opera 9 270ms 62ms 335%
Average improvement: 1676%

$(“elem”) Improvements

Browser jQuery 1.1.3 jQuery 1.1.4 % Improvement
IE 6 661ms 451ms 47%
Firefox 2 1717ms 143ms 1100%
Safari 3 99ms 83ms 19%
Opera 9 226ms 198ms 14%
Average improvement: 295%

.each() Improvements

Browser jQuery 1.1.3 jQuery 1.1.4 % Improvement
IE 6 200ms 30ms 567%
Firefox 2 468ms 29ms 1514%
Safari 3 17ms 11ms 54%
Opera 9 45ms 25ms 80%
Average improvement: 554%

Test Suite Overhaul

This is very big news – and should be especially so to most developers out there. The jQuery test suite has been completely re-tooled and improved from the ground up for stability. A brand new swath of Animation and Ajax tests have been integrated bringing jQuery’s total test count to over 800 tests!

Additionally, the test suite completely passes with no errors in all the major browsers that we support: Firefox 2, Safari 3, Internet Explorer 6, and Opera 9 (Safari 2 and IE 7 not shown for brevity). Proof:

In the future, we’re working to improve our coverage of the Event, Attribute, and CSS portions of jQuery – undoubtedly bringing us to over 1000 tests very soon.

Additionally, it should be noted that the jQuery test suite is now embedded in the Mozilla test suite – running against every commit of the upcoming Firefox 3 release. You can feel safe knowing that in the newest release of Firefox, everything will just keep working, as you would expect it to.

Bug Fixes

53 tickets have been closed for this release. You can read the full details on the the bug tracker (this includes fixes that went in to jQuery

A bunch of large issues were resolved, including issues related to HTML script evaluation, Safari CSS Computed Style access, and Ajax settings manipulation.

New Functionality

A couple pieces of new functionality have been introduced. The first two of which, .slice() and :has(), are going to be a part of jQuery 1.2, but their existence is obligated by some deprecated functionality (see below). The new changes to extend() and noConflict() were put in order to be able to fix some long standing bugs in jQuery.


You may recognize this method name from the .slice() method that exists on JavaScript arrays – you’re in luck because it behaves identically. This is a great method for chopping apart jQuery objects and getting to the elements inside of them. All of the following are valid ways to use the slice() method:

$("div").slice(0,1); // First div
$("div").slice(-1); // Last div
$("div").slice(1,-1); // All divs but the first and last
$("div").slice(1,3); // The second and third div
$("div").slice(7,8); // The eighth div


This new selector is a replacement for the current way of checking for elements inside of another element (div[p]). You can now use this selector just as you would that particular XPath selector, like so:

// All divs with a paragraph inside
// All anchors with an image inside
// All divs that have an anchor inside that have an image inside

Deep, recursive .extend()

This has been a frequently-requested addition to the jQuery .extend() method. This change allows you to deeply merge nested objects (as opposed to having them overwrite each other). This is best demonstrated through an example:

// Normal .extend()
  { name: "John", location: { city: "Boston" } },
  { last: "Resig", location: { state: "MA" } }
// Result:
// => { name: "John", last: "Resig", location: { state: "MA" } }
// New Deep .extend()
jQuery.extend( true,
  { name: "John", location: { city: "Boston" } },
  { last: "Resig", location: { state: "MA" } }
// Result:
// => { name: "John", last: "Resig",
//      location: { city: "Boston", state: "MA" } }


As described previously, this addition to .noConflict() allows you to completely rename both the ‘jQuery’ namespace and the ‘$’ shortcut, while also rolling back any changes those introductions may have done. You can use this new shortcut like so:

// Give jQuery a custom name:
var jq = jQuery.noConflict(true);
jq("#id div").hide();

// Both Fail - $ and jQuery have been renamed:
$("#id div").hide();
jQuery("#id div").hide();

This trick can also be used to push jQuery into an existing namespace, like so:

// Put jQuery in a namespace:
var obj = {};
obj.jq = jQuery.noConflict(true);
obj.jq("#id div").hide();

Deprecated Functionality

We are deprecating a number of methods in jQuery 1.1.4 in preparation for the API changes in the upcoming jQuery 1.2. Wherever possible, we’ve provided alternate methods for performing actions.

With jQuery 1.2, as with the jQuery 1.1 release, a backwards compatibility plugin will be provided. Thus, if you wish to continue using these particular techniques, you’ll be able to use that plugin and continue doing so.

Additionally, in order to handle the XPath changes another, separate, plugin will be released that will handle XPath selector functionality in jQuery. This plugin will be made available along with the jQuery 1.2 release.


$("div//p") XPath Descendant Selector
Please use the CSS $("div p") selector instead. Or, when jQuery 1.2 is released, use the new XPath Plugin.

$("div/p") XPath Child Selector
Please use the CSS $("div > p") selector instead. Or, when jQuery 1.2 is released, use the new XPath Plugin.

$("p/../div") XPath Parent Selector
Please use the $("p").parent("div") selector instead. Or, when jQuery 1.2 is released, use the new XPath Plugin.

$("div[p]") XPath Contains Predicate Selector
Please use the new $("div:has(p)") selector instead. Or, when jQuery 1.2 is released, use the new XPath Plugin.

$("a[@href]") XPath Attribute Selector
Note: While this selector is being deprecated in this release, it will not be removed in jQuery 1.2. Come jQuery 1.2, it’ll be recommended that you use the CSS selector $("a[href]") instead. Or, when jQuery 1.2 is released, use the new XPath Plugin.

DOM Manipulation

Calling the clone method with an argument is being deprecated (the clone method, as a whole, is being kept). Instead of calling .clone(false) you should now do: .clone().empty() instead.

DOM Traversal

This method is being deprecated for the use of the new .slice() method (which works identically to an array’s slice method. You can duplicate .eq() like so:


Additionally, .eq(0) can be duplicated in the following ways:


This method is being deprecated for the use of the new .slice() method (which works identically to an array’s slice method. You can duplicate .lt() like so:


Additionally, .lt(2) can be duplicated in the following way:


This method is being deprecated for the use of the new .slice() method (which works identically to an array’s slice method. You can duplicate .gt() like so:


Additionally, .gt(2) can be duplicated in the following way:



This convenience method is being removed in favor of the long form use of $.ajax():

  url: "some.php",
  ifModified: true,
  success: function(html){

This convenience method is being removed in favor of the long form use of $.ajax():

  url: "some.php",
  ifModified: true

This convenience method is being removed in favor of the long form use of the more-explicit $.ajaxSetup():

$.ajaxSetup({timeout: 3000});

This method is no longer necessary in jQuery – all scripts included in HTML strings are automatically evaluated when injected into the document. No substitute method is needed.

As always, please let us know if you encounter any bugs in between jQuery and jQuery 1.1.4. Thanks!

SF jQuery Meetup and Ajax Experience

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SF jQuery Meetup and Ajax Experience West

Ajax Experience West 2007
The good folks over at Ajaxian and TechTarget have put together a great conference, July 25-27. Speakers are varied, talking about the latest and greatest from the world of rich web development. See the full list of speakers and schedule. Speakers include Brendan
, CTO of Mozilla; Creator of JavaScript. Chris Wilson, Internet Explorer Platform Architect and Kevin Lynch, Chief Software Architect, Adobe. It promises to be a lively and interesting forum.

More exciting than even those speakers, there will be two jQuery representatives speaking: John Resig and Glen Lipka.

John will be giving 3 sessions, two on jQuery:

Additionally, John will be speaking on a panel, at Friday’s lunch, on the future of Ajax.

And Glen will be giving a talk on jQuery:

There will be a number of other jQuery users, and team members, in attendance (including Yehuda Katz and Michael Geary).

SF jQuery Meetup

On July 26, we are taking the opportunity to invite everyone in the jQuery community to meetup at the Gordon Biersch San Francisco Brewery for drinks appetizers and debugging. We are open source, so BYOCC (Bring Your Own Credit Card).

Yehuda Katz has special jQuery SWAG for the first 1000 25 jQueriers to buy another member of the community a drink. Additionally, we should have a couple extra copies of the brand-new Learning jQuery book by Karl Swedberg & Jonathan Chaffer.

We hope you can make it. Sign up and see you then!

More information:


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This is a quick bug fix release for jQuery 1.1.3. About six major issues popped up after the 1.1.3 release that we deemed important enough to resolve immediately, with a follow-up release. The full list of resolved issues can be found on the bug tracker.

If you haven’t already upgraded to 1.1.3, please just upgrade straight to instead. Also, if you’re encountering any issues with 1.1.3, please try this release.

You can download the release from the jQuery Google Code page:


As always, be sure to let us know if you encounter any issues by submitting a bug report to the jQuery bug tracker.

jQuery 1.1.3: 800%+ Faster, still 20KB

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I’m pleased to announce the release of jQuery 1.1.3. After many months of testing, developing, and more testing, we have a very solid release available for download. It comes with roughly 80+ fixed bugs and a handful of enhancements for good measure. Highlights include:

  1. Improved speeds, with DOM traversal over 800% faster than in 1.1.2.
  2. A re-written event system, with more graceful handling of keyboard events.
  3. A re-written effects system (with an accompanying fx test suite), featuring faster execution and better cross-platform support.

Update – July 4th: We just finished a quick bug fix release, versioned, which fixes a couple of outstanding issues.


As always, if you find any bugs with this release, please post them to the jQuery Bug Tracker.

1.1.3 Features

Massive Selector Speed Improvements

Due to popular demand, we dug deep and made some major changes to jQuery’s selector engine. Here’s a breakdown of the speed improvements that were made to jQuery itself. All numbers are based on the SlickSpeed test suite.

Browser jQuery 1.1.2 jQuery 1.1.3 % Improvement
IE 6 4890ms 661ms 740%
Firefox 2 5629ms 567ms 993%
Safari 2 3575ms 475ms 753%
Opera 9.1 3196ms 326ms 980%
Average improvement: 867%

Additionally, we tested the improved code base against some of the other popular selector libraries, again with the SlickSpeed test suite.

Browser Prototype jQuery Mootools Ext Dojo
IE 6 1476ms 661ms 1238ms 672ms 738ms
Firefox 2 219ms 567ms 220ms 951ms 440ms
Safari 2 1568ms 475ms 909ms 417ms 527ms
Opera 9.1 220ms 326ms 217ms 296ms 220ms

A couple things to notice when looking at the speed suite results are that:

  • We’re over 800% faster than we were in jQuery 1.1.2.
  • We’re the fastest framework in the most popular browser, Internet Explorer 6.
  • We’re the only framework that doesn’t give incorrect results.
  • And all of this comes at no expense to you — jQuery is still the same 20KB that you’ve come to expect and enjoy.

New Selectors

Unicode Selectors: This is a huge addition for those of you who want to use Unicode attribute values, IDs, class names, or tag names. You can now use them directly in jQuery selectors:


Escape Selectors: A frequently requested feature you can now select elements by ID (or other selector) that uses a special character, for example this will find the div that has the ID of “foo.bar”:


Inequality Selector: While this selector isn’t part of the CSS specification, it’s frequently used and included in other selector libraries, so we decided to add it in:


:nth-child() improvements: This selector allows you to locate specific child elements. We’ve supported selectors like :nth-child(1) and :nth-child(odd) since the beginning of jQuery, now we’ve added advanced :nth-child selectors, such as:


Space-separated attributes: After being removed in jQuery 1.0, this selector has now been brought back by popular demand. It allows you to locate individual items in a space-separated attribute (such as a class or rel attribute).


Animation Improvements

Speed: Animations are now significantly faster and smoother. Additionally, you can run more simultaneous animations without incurring any speed hits.

Testing: We now have a dedicated test suite for animations — which has allowed us to fix a number of pressing animation bugs that weren’t previously locatable.

DOM Event Listeners

Internally, the jQuery Event system has been overhauled to use the DOM Event system, rather than the classical “onclick” style of binding event handlers. This improvement allows you to be more unobtrusive in your use of the library (not affecting the flow of other libraries around it). Additionally, it helped to resolve some of the outstanding issues that existed with binding event listeners to IFrames.

Event Normalization

Some great steps have been taken to normalize keyboard and mouse events. You can now access the event.which property to get most details about the specific key or button that was pressed.

Multiple .is()

The .is() method can now take multiple selectors, separated by a comma. This allows you to test your jQuery set against multiple selectors.

$("div").is(":visible, :first")

Browser Version

A commonly requested feature, by plugin authors, was a way to determine what browser version their users were using. We now expose an extra property through which this information can be accessed.


More Bug Fixes

Please see the ticket listing for the full list of all issues resolved in this release.

The Future of jQuery

We’ve been very concerned with the direction and progress being made towards furthering the jQuery project. We’re focusing on a number of different aspects now, but the primary concern is still the advancement of the core jQuery library. We’ve spec’d out the next two releases, which you can read more about below:

jQuery 1.1.4

This will be the last release of the jQuery 1.1 branch – another bug fix release with some minor improvements. This release will also mark a number of methods as deprecated, in accordance with the upcoming jQuery 1.2 release.

We’re currently planning on having this release take place at the end of July.

jQuery 1.2

This will be the next major release of jQuery, containing a significant number of new features. The full details of this release can be found in the jQuery 1.2 Roadmap.

Your comments and feedback on this release are greatly appreciated. It’s still in planning, so nothing is completely final. We’re currently planning on releasing jQuery 1.2 by the end of August.

jQuery Books

We’re now up to 4 jQuery books being written and, just as importantly, they’re all being written by members of the jQuery team (so you’ll know that you’re getting good information).

The books and their authors are as follows:

  • Learning jQuery by Karl Swedberg and Jonathan Chaffer – due out early July 2007 (Packt Publishing).
  • jQuery Reference Guide by Karl Swedberg and Jonathan Chaffer – due out Summer 2007 (Packt Publishing).
  • jQuery Quickly by Yehuda Katz and Bear Bibeault (Manning Publishing).
  • Designing with jQuery by Glen Lipka (Manning Publishing).

This is really fantastic news. I’ve been able to read some of the pre-release chapters and I think you’re going to be in for a real treat with these books.

jQuery Talks and Conference

I’d like to announce some talks being given about jQuery in the upcoming months. Specifically, there will be a number of talks given about jQuery at both of the Ajax Experience conferences.

At the San Francisco Ajax Experience, John Resig will be giving an introductory overview to jQuery followed by an advanced jQuery talk. Glen Lipka will be giving a talk on designing with jQuery.

At the Boston Ajax Experience, John and Glen will be presenting again, and will be joined by Paul Bakaus to give a talk on developing intense applications and games with jQuery.

Since there’s going to be quite a few members of the jQuery team at the Boston Ajax Experience, we’d like to announce that we’re planning on doing a small, one day, jQuery Conference the next day after the Ajax Experience. This will be the perfect opportunity for you to meet the jQuery team and ask any nagging questions that you have. We’ll also be giving a number of talks about specific aspects of jQuery. We’ll have more details about this soon.

jQuery UI

Today, we’re also pleased to announce a secret project that we’ve been working on: jQuery UI. This project, being written by Paul Bakaus, is a whole new Drag & Drop library being developed from the ground up with speed and extensibility taken into consideration. Additionally, great care is being taken to have the code be fully documented and tested — allowing many other developers to use and help extend it.

This library will contain full code for Draggables, Droppables, Sortables, Resizables, and a Slider.

You can take a look at some of Paul’s early work in the SVN repository.

Funding and Thank You

The new jQuery UI library marks a new step for the jQuery project: This is a piece of code whose development we’re sponsoring using money donated by you, the jQuery users!

This is being made possible in two ways: first by your continued support and donations to the jQuery project, and second by a generous server donation by Media Temple. This is allowing us to focus our financial resources on other projects that’ll benefit everyone the most.

So I’d like to take this opportunity to request additional donations to help us continue funding exciting new work that you’ll be able to use in your web sites. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Amount in $

Once again, I’d like to thank the jQuery team and everyone who has helped to make this release possible. It’s been a lot of work, but I hope you’ll be as pleased with this release as we are. Thank you — and thanks for using jQuery!

jQuery Paris Meetup

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NOTE The venue for this event has changed! We’re now meeting at the Best Western Bergère Opéra, please change your plans accordingly.

Sunday, June 24, 2007 – 10:30 AM

Best Western Bergère Opéra
32, Rue Bergère
Paris, ÃŽle-de-France 75009
(Google Maps Directions)

This is a meet up for those that use and are interested in the jQuery JavaScript Library. We’ll be meeting in the lobby of the Best Western Bergère Opéra and then move to a park for a picnic.

John Resig, the creator and lead developer of jQuery, will be attending.

This meet up is being organized by the SPIP (a popular CMS, happily using jQuery) core team.

If you’re interested in attending this event, please sign up on the event’s Upcoming.org page:

jQuery Dashboard Widget

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jQuery Widget

Ryan Dunphey has just released a brand new jQuery Dashboard Widget that you can use to browse the jQuery API, even when you’re not connected to the Internet. You can download the, sharply designed, widget from jQuery SVN.

If you’re interested in doing some dashboard development (and especially widget development using jQuery), you can learn from this widget, as the full source code of it is in the jQuery SVN repository.

This fantastic work (and the subsequent open source release of the widget) was sponsored by Ryan’s employer, Medallia. Incidentally, if you’re interested in getting paid to do some jQuery coding, Medallia has a Front-End Developer position open.

Help Test jQuery 1.1.3

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A test build of the upcoming 1.1.3 release is ready for everyone to try. We need to be super-sure that there haven’t been any regressions in this release, and in order to do that we’d like you to download this alpha release and try it in place of jQuery 1.1.2 (wherever you may be using it).

Download the test release:

Here’s what you can do to help:

  1. Download the test release of jQuery 1.1.3
  2. Temporarily replace your copy of jQuery 1.1.2 with this test release in some of your web pages
  3. If something is now broken, please submit a ticket letting us know what happened. The more specific you can be, the better (demos or test cases are highly desired).

Note Pay special attention to Events, Selectors, and Animations; significant changes happened in all three of those areas, so if there’s any place where a regression is possible, it would be more likely to occur in there.

Once we’re confident that there’s no new bugs, we’ll be releasing jQuery 1.1.3 fully (hopefully some time this week).