jQuery 1.7.1 RC1 Released

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Just to let you know we’re not asleep at the switch around jQuery Central, we’ve got a new preview release of jQuery. It fixes the problems reported by the community since the original 1.7 release. Please test the code in your applications, making sure that there are no major problems. If you tried jQuery 1.7 and reported a bug, it should be fixed in this release.

You can get the code from the jQuery CDN:

You can help us by dropping that code into your existing application and letting us know that if anything no longer works. Please file a bug and be sure to mention that you’re testing against jQuery 1.7.1 RC1.

We want to encourage everyone from the community to try and get involved in contributing back to jQuery core. We’ve set up a full page of information dedicated towards becoming more involved with the team. The team is here and ready to help you help us!

jQuery 1.7.1 RC1 Change Log

The current change log of the 1.7.1 RC1 release.


  • #10723: jqXHR.always() returns a Promise instead of a jqXHR object


  • #10724: $(document).text() always returns an empty string
  • #10773: removeAttr is fragile for edge cases


  • #10630: Fix focus-related test failures to resolve Swarm failures


  • #10616: Type coersion not done for -1 in .eq
  • #10646: Have jQuery.error throw instanceof Error object
  • #10682: Creating DOM elements with $(‘ ‘) leaks memory and skips the fragment cache
  • #10687: jQuery calls the AMD define() global function too early
  • #10690: isNumeric


  • #10733: remove uses of jQuery.each in css module in favor of a for loop


  • #10675: Use internalKey shortcut instead of jQuery.expando


  • #10669: .animate() no longer animates percentage(%) width
  • #10750: A “null” in the data object can cause an error in stop


  • #10676: wheelDelta not added to mousewheel event anymore
  • #10701: Problems with submit forms using submit function
  • #10704: special.handle method should fire under origType name
  • #10705: off bug event name parser
  • #10712: Triggering blur with live bind broken
  • #10717: A triggered load bubbles up to window
  • #10791: Delegated Events fail on SVG elements
  • #10794: .triggerHandler should not .preventDefault()
  • #10798: live(“submit”) and .submit() would cause unobtrusive ajax live to fire twice


  • #10177: index of callback function in .wrap is always 0
  • #10667: HTML5 Support in .wrapAll() does add a “:” to element
  • #10670: rnoshimcache probably not constructed correctly
  • #10812: passing empty object to .before() or .after() throws exception in IE7


  • #10691: remove all occurrences of the “equals” and “same” function in the unit tests`


  • #10629: IE is much too sensitive concerning the fake body. Explore cleaning up support.js to avoid any future crashes

Building a Slimmer jQuery

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jQuery is more than five years old now! Over that time it has evolved along with the browsers, web sites, devices, developers, and users that it serves. It has also, um, grown quite a bit over that time. jQuery has added a lot of useful features, but it’s also accumulated cruft that we’d prefer not to support into perpetuity. It may not be an issue on a desktop PC with a high-speed connection, but we want jQuery to be a good solution for mobile devices as well.

Along with our continuing push for higher performance, our priority for upcoming versions is a smaller gzipped file size. It’s hard to do that when every new feature or bug fix must also preserve all existing features and behavior. So today, we want to start a conversation about slimming down the jQuery API by deprecating some features. Here are our guidelines for deprecation:

  • We don’t believe the feature represents current best practice in the use of jQuery.
  • The feature has proven unpopular, confusing, inefficient, or ineffective in actual use.
  • It is not practical or feasible to enhance the feature or address its limitations.
  • Removing it at some future time could yield notable usability, size, or performance benefits.

Deprecation is just the first step in a process that you can participate in. It is our goal to:

  • Explain the reasons for deprecating a particular feature, as described above.
  • Give at least one major-point-version, and often more, between deprecation and removal.
  • Provide alternatives to deprecated features so that migration is not painful.
  • Listen to community feedback regarding deprecation and removal.

Occasionally, as in the situation with event.layerX/layerY in version 1.7, we will make a breaking change with shorter notice if we judge that it will cause less pain to remove the feature immediately than to leave it in. Those will hopefully be rare exceptions.

Version 1.7 Deprecations

With those things in mind, we consider the following features to be deprecated as of version 1.7. Existing code that uses them continues to work, but the recommended alternatives are a better choice for compatibility with future versions.

.live() and .die(): We continue to get many bug reports and see user confusion regarding the quirks of the .live() method. Common issues are now documented on its updated API page. We strongly advise the use of .on() or .delegate() for new code, since they are better APIs. Given its widespread use it’s unlikely we will remove this API in 1.8, but please do update your code as soon as possible.

Non-standard event properties: As part of our push to improve event handler performance, we are also deprecating the copying of several event properties from the native event object to the jQuery event object and will remove them in 1.8: attrChange, attrName, relatedNode, and srcElement. Instead of accessing these through event.NAME you can access them via event.originalEvent.NAME where needed.

$.ajax() Deferred aliases: In version 1.5 we defined .error()/,success()/.complete() on the jqXHR object as aliases for the Deferred’s .fail()/.done()/.always() methods. Although that seemed like a good idea at the time, it makes jqXHR a non-standard Deferred. That’s not good. Whenever possible, use the deferred/promise method name in preference to the jqXHR one. We still have some work to do here to provide a full migration path, so we are likely to continue supporting the aliases past 1.8.

deferred.isResolved() and deferred.isRejected(): Now that Deferreds and Promises have progress notifications and a convenient .state() method, we are deprecating these older methods and will remove them in 1.8. Getting the state of an N-state object using N-1 Boolean methods is a cruel-code version of “Twenty Questions”. Deferred-based code rarely needs to inspect state, and the string returned now is more convenient for a debugging scenario where it’s often used.

.attr(“value”) on inputs: For backwards compatibility, we’ve been returning the current value here (as in “what is currently in the input box”) versus the real attribute (what the value attribute says in the HTML). That leaves us no way to provide the true attribute value, and is confusing since W3C selectors work on the attribute and not the current value. So we are deprecating this behavior and will remove it in 1.8. Always use the .val() method to get the current live value of an input element. Until we can reclaim the attribute, you can use $("selector")[0].getAttribute("value") except on IE 6/7 where that will still return the current value. (Our 1.8 solution will get the attribute value on all browsers and is another reason why we’re anxious to change this.)

.closest(Array) returning Array: This signature is a bit of a strange bird, it was created for use by the old live events code but it returns an Array rather than a jQuery object. As of 1.8 we plan to remove it. The other signatures of .closest() are here to stay and are not affected.

.data(“events”): jQuery stores its event-related data in a data object named (wait for it) events on each element. This is an internal data structure so in 1.8 this will be removed from the user data name space so it won’t conflict with items of the same name. jQuery’s event data can still be accessed via jQuery._data(element, "events") but be aware that this is an internal data structure that is undocumented and should not be modified.

$.sub() as a plugin: Although $.sub() can be useful for creating interference-free zones for plugins, it is not used by jQuery core and not widely used by other code, so we intend to transition it to a plugin in version 1.8 to save space.

Looking Towards jQuery 1.8

Given our push for a svelte jQuery, the filter for new features in 1.8 will be stringent. Even performance-related proposals need to be balanced against the space they use or save. Features that can be implemented via plugins, special events, attribute hooks, or other jQuery extension mechanisms are likely to stay outside core for now.

That brings up the question of what we could deprecate in 1.8 and eventually remove to simplify and streamline the library. Those things don’t have to totally disappear; they could move into a separate plugin, for example, and only be included when needed. Take a look at how you use jQuery, and talk about it with your colleagues.

Within a few weeks, we’ll be opening the call for your ideas concerning jQuery 1.8 with another blog post — so start thinking about it now!

Edit: No, we’re not removing IE6 support yet, and we can’t. As John Resig mentions at every jQuery Conference, most of the sins of IE6 are also visited upon IE7 and IE8, which together still have more than one-third of desktop browser market share. It doesn’t make sense to remove support for IE6 until we can whack IE7 and IE8 as well.

jQuery 1.7 Released

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jQuery 1.7 is ready for download! You can get the code from the jQuery CDN:

This new release should also be available on the Google and Microsoft CDNs within a day or two.

Thanks to your help in testing and reporting bugs during the beta period, we believe we have a solid, stable release. If you do find problems, file a bug and be sure to choose jQuery 1.7 in the version selection. Also be sure to provide a jsFiddle test case so we can quickly analyze the problem.

What’s New in jQuery 1.7

The Version 1.7 tag at the API site is a great way to get up to speed with the new things in this release. Here’s a rundown of the big items in 1.7 and some things not yet mentioned in the API docs.

New Event APIs: .on() and .off()

The new .on() and .off() APIs unify all the ways of attaching events to a document in jQuery — and they’re shorter to type!

$(elements).on( events [, selector] [, data] , handler );
$(elements).off( [ events ] [, selector] [, handler] );

When a selector is provided, .on() is similar to .delegate() in that it attaches a delegated event handler, filtered by the selector. When the selector is omitted or null the call is like .bind(). There is one ambiguous case: If the data argument is a string, you must provide either a selector string or null so that the data isn’t mistaken as a selector. Pass an object for data and you’ll never have to worry about special cases.

All the existing event binding methods (and their corresponding unbinding methods) are still there in 1.7, but we recommend that you use .on() for any new jQuery project where you know version 1.7 or higher is in use. Here are some examples of mapping between the old and new API calls:

$('a').bind('click', myHandler);
$('a').on('click', myHandler);

$('form').bind('submit', { val: 42 }, fn);
$('form').on('submit', { val: 42 }, fn);


$('.comment').delegate('a.add', 'click', addNew);
$('.comment').on('click', 'a.add', addNew);

$('.dialog').undelegate('a', 'click.myDlg');
$('.dialog').off('click.myDlg', 'a');

$('a').live('click', fn);
$(document).on('click', 'a', fn);

$(document).off('click', 'a');

Improved Performance on Delegated Events

Event delegation has become increasingly important as size and complexity of pages grow. Application frameworks such as Backbone, JavaScriptMVC, and Sproutcore make heavy use of event delegation. With that in mind, jQuery 1.7 event handling was refactored with an eye to making delegated events much faster, especially for the most common cases.

To optimize the code for the most commonly used forms of selectors, we examined a cross-section of code from Google Codesearch. Nearly two-thirds of the selectors used in .live() and .delegate() method calls were in the form tag#id.class where one or more of tag, id, or class were used. By parsing those simple selectors in JavaScript at the time the event was attached, we were able to outperform even the browser’s native-code implementations of matchesSelector during event delivery. For more complex selectors we still use the Sizzle engine, so all existing code should continue to work.

The final result is that delegated events are delivered in about half the time they took in 1.6.4:

Better Support for HTML5 in IE6/7/8

Anyone who has tried to use the new HTML5 tags such as <section> has no doubt run across the problem that IE 6/7/8 not only don’t understand these tags, they actually remove them from the document. With jQuery 1.7 we built in support for using HTML5 tags in older IEs with methods like .html(). This support is on par with what previously required innerShiv. You must still include html5shiv (or Modernizr) in the head of your document in older IEs for HTML5 tag support. For more background, see The Story of the HTML5 Shiv.

Toggling Animations Work Intuitively

In previous versions of jQuery, toggling animations such as .slideToggle() or .fadeToggle() would not work properly when animations were stacked on each other and a previous animation was terminated with .stop(). This has been fixed in 1.7 so that the animation system remembers the elements’ initial values and resets them in the case where a toggled animation is terminated prematurely.

Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)

jQuery now supports the AMD API. Note that jQuery 1.7 is not a script loader itself; it cooperates with AMD-compliant loaders such as RequireJS or curl.js so it can be loaded dynamically and the ready event can be controlled by the loader. Now an AMD-compliant loader can load an unmodified version of jQuery 1.7 from a CDN such as Google’s or Microsoft’s. Many thanks to James Burke (@jrburke) for submitting the patch and unit tests, then waiting patiently for us to incorporate it.


The jQuery.Deferred object has been extended with new progress handlers and notification methods that call those handlers. This allows you to asynchronously notify listeners of progress in a request without resolving or rejecting the request. In addition, there is a new state() method that returns the current state of the Deferred; it’s primarily useful for debugging.

Deferreds are now implemented using a new jQuery.Callbacks feature, a generalized way of queueing and triggering a series of handlers. This feature may be of interest to plugin writers, although Deferreds and the event subsystem provide a higher-level interface for this type of functionality.


Inside jQuery we’ve found several situations where we need to know if an argument is numeric, or would be successfully converted to a number if it is some other type. We decided to write and document jQuery.isNumeric() since it’s a useful utility. Pass it an argument of any type and it returns true or false as appropriate.

Removed Features

event.layerX and event.layerY: We have removed these non-standard properties in version 1.7. Although we normally would have gone through a deprecation notice period for these, Chrome version 16 generates a flood of console warning messages on the page. Because of this, we decided to remove them immediately. On platforms that still support these properties, they are available through event.originalEvent.layerX and event.originalEvent.layerY.

jQuery.isNaN(): This undocumented utility function has been removed. It was confusing because it appropriated the name of a built-in JavaScript function but did not have the same semantics. The new jQuery.isNumeric() serves a similar purpose, but has the benefit of being documented and supported. Despite jQuery.isNaN() being undocumented, several projects on Github were using it. We have contacted them and asked that they use jQuery.isNumeric() or some other solution.

jQuery.event.proxy(): This undocumented and deprecated method has been removed. Users should be calling the documented jQuery.proxy method instead.

The jQuery Team, and Your Part

I want to recognize the incredible work of our regular team contributors in getting this release out the door, especially Timmy Willison (timmywil on Github), Corey Frang (gnarf), Rick Waldron (rwldrn), and Julian Aubourg (jaubourg). Karl Swedberg (kswedberg) and Addy Osmani (addyosmani) worked hard on getting the new documentation into shape on the API site. Also, thanks to Mike Sherov (mikesherov), a greenhorn contributor who has already created patches for several tricky bugs. Many thanks to all the others who reported bugs, submitted pull requests, reviewed commits, and in other ways made sure we did the best job we possibly could.

Still, we can always use more help, and that is where you can contribute. The simplest and most important thing you can do is occasionally test our work-in-progress against your code and your expectations. It’s always located at http://code.jquery.com/jquery-git.js and a fresh copy is built each time a new commit is made to our master branch at github.com. If you find a bug in a final release, test against jquery-git.js to see if it’s already been fixed. It’s easy as pie since jsFiddle.net offers an option to test your code with the jquery-git.js file as “jQuery (edge)”.

If you’d like to do more, we’d be glad to have you pitch in! We’ve written a document that can get you started with the process, and one or more of us are generally available in the #jquery-dev channel on IRC if you need more help or information.

jQuery 1.7 Change Log

The current change log of the 1.7 release.


  • #9399: Deprecate jqXHR.success and jqXHR.error


  • #5479: removeAttr: remove multiple attributes
  • #6743: map enctype to encoding, depending on browser
  • #10176: Injected script tag is evaluated twice
  • #10278: checkboxEl.attr(‘checked’) returns stale value after checkboxEl.click()
  • #10429: IE7 – invalid procedure call or argument when calling removeAttr(‘contenteditable’);
  • #10514: removeAttr does not remove the class attribute in IE6/7


  • #6485: Solution for HTML5 in IE
  • #7102: Register jQuery as a CommonjS async module
  • #9453: $.inArray does not support fromIndex
  • #10478: Switch jQuery.isNaN to jQuery.isNumeric


  • #10267: IE8 and window is(‘:visible’) crashes


  • #7323: Allow removing multiple data keys at once with $.fn.removeData
  • #8909: $(element).data() will scan all attributes more than needed.
  • #8921: jQuery private data should stay private


  • #8856: Request: deferred.isUnresolved()
  • #9033: try{ } finally{ } error in IE8
  • #9398: Proposal for Improved Deferreds


  • #9434: .outerWidth()/.outerHeight()/.innerWidth()/.innerHeight() should work on window and document


  • #5684: Effects: exception in animation callback causes endless loop
  • #6150: .stop sometimes doesn’t clear .delay
  • #6641: Calling stop() within animation finished callback causes other animations to freeze
  • #8685: Animations should keep track of animation state in order to properly address stacked animations
  • #9280: Allow multiple effect queues for animate()
  • #9548: animate does not work with fill-opacity css property for svg elements
  • #10445: Setting queue to true causes an error
  • #10497: .stop should allow choosing which queue to stop
  • #10622: .show() does not properly restore CSS-set “display” value


  • #3368: event.metaKey should be assigned to event.ctrlKey on Non-Mac only
  • #6170: jQuery(window).scroll(); causes IE* to scroll to 0,0
  • #6319: Regression: stopPropagation inside change handlers in IE is incorrectly applied to keydown event
  • #6386: support data argument for live events via “event.special.live.add”
  • #6593: IE8: DOM 0 event handler called twice when a separate handler is attached via jQuery
  • #6667: submit event doesn’t delegate in IE* under certain conditions
  • #6903: special events need a way to determine whether they are being bound with .bind vs .live/.delegate
  • #6942: JQuery.event.fix causes unnecessary reflows in IE when handling key events
  • #7139: “hover” event alias should work for .bind as well as .live
  • #7161: Submit event on a form element not unbound properly in IE
  • #7444: Submitting form with “Enter” instead of button click on ie8 or ie7 triggers live submit event twice.
  • #8157: Focusing an already focused text field will prevent the change event from firing in IE
  • #8728: Event ‘mouseenter’ not firing when the element being left is removed on leaving
  • #8789: Meta: Event Property Hooks
  • #8858: Special events – _default method doesn’t have access to the `data` argument of the trigger method
  • #8866: IE8 input[type=file] delegated change event files only on blur
  • #8982: bind(“unload someOther”) => on unload, handler is not executed only once.
  • #9069: when hover over a child of an element, mouseleave fires when using live or delegate
  • #9279: delegate() bind does not handle mouseover/mouseout and mouseenter/mouseout correctly for selected elements
  • #9393: Unify and DRY out event system
  • #9593: Delegated submit event is not instanceof jQuery.Event in IE
  • #9724: Infinite loop in trigger function when window.parentNode is a DOM element
  • #9901: event.handleObj.namespace incorrect when using .delegate
  • #9933: jQuery.fn.toggle() should store state in private data object
  • #9951: Wrong order in .trigger() when DOM is modified in a handler
  • #10375: Do not include `type` in jQuery.event.props
  • #10438: Rename jQuery.event.propHooks => .fixHooks
  • #10468: Remove deprecated jQuery.event.guid and jQuery.event.proxy
  • #10489: Disconnected elements bubble to window on .trigger()
  • #10531: Consider removing layerX and layerY from $.event.props
  • #10563: jQuery.Event no longer contains the element that matched the selector in event delegation.
  • #10567: Delegated events incorrectly match class names
  • #10575: Breaking changes in live event propagation between 1.6.4 and 1.7rc1
  • #10576: jQuery1.7rc1 and jQueryMobile1.0rc2 – IE gets error in jqm triggerCustomEvent method


  • #6782: carefully allow more strings to use innerHTML
  • #7037: Duplicate mouseover and mouseout events added to cloned element.
  • #10501: HTML5 element “innerShiv” inconsistent across html()/append()


  • #10420: MouseWheel
  • #10553: Further reduction of minimal license header


  • #3144: Inconsistent cross-browser results from .text() method
  • #5637: Boolean (and Empty) Attribute Selectors Fail
  • #6863: faster getText
  • #7128: attribute selector is inconsistent between qSA and Sizzle due to use of DOM properties
  • #8539: Sizzle cache collision in browsers without querySelectorAll
  • #9261: Has Attribute not working in filter/children/siblings
  • #9570: Selector $(‘form[name=”..”]’) returns zero elements in IE8 under some conditions
  • #10178: $(window).is(“a”) >> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘toLowerCase’ of undefined
  • #10315: Sizzle ignores seed argument when using positional selectors
  • #10562: siblings method returns unexpected elements when using Sizzle-invoking pseudo-selectors


  • #5145: jQuery.support.opacity = false in the Chrome browser
  • #6809:

Announcing The jQuery Standards Team

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Today we’re happy to announce the creation of a new jQuery sub-team called the jQuery Standards Team to give web developers a voice in the standards process.


We all know that web standards are important. They help ensure the code we write works across different technologies, for people of different abilities and most importantly across all browsers.

That said, how often do we all feel our voices, suggestions and ideas are heard by those groups responsible for defining these standards? The reality is that whilst many of us would like to see change, due to time restrictions and lengthy formal processes we’re unable to participate in standards discussions, get involved with writing specifications and contribute to meetings about the future of features. This makes it difficult for web developers to have a voice.

Yehuda Katz is team lead. Paul Irish joins him.

Another problem is that for those that do get involved with the process, it can often feel like participating on a particular thread in standards mailing lists has a limited impact because the web community is so fragmented. Browser vendors are very active on these lists and there’s a tremendous amount of institutional knowledge assumed in almost all threads. Implementors on those lists have their own venues for discussing areas of shared concerns, but web developers wishing to particpate don’t, with the exception of the accidental meetups at conferences.

The jQuery project would like to help change this – we want you to have a voice in how the future of the web is shaped.

The jQuery Standards Team

The jQuery Standards Team has three primary goals:

  • To represent the web developer community, in particular jQuery users, to standards bodies such as the W3C and TC39 with the intention of improving existing standards and standards in progress to better meet the needs of web developers.
  • To represent the web developer community, and especially jQuery users, to browser vendors with the intent of helping them identify standards that they should prioritize for implementing, and proofs of concept that they can build.
  • To help the jQuery project adopt new standards and browser features as appropriate.

This marks a large change in the way the web developer community is able to submit feedback and influence both standards bodies and specifications. By lowering the barrier of entry to having suggestions and issues about current implementations heard, we hope to encourage more developers with an interest in dealing with standards bodies and browser vendors an opportunity to participate in the process.

The jQuery Standards Team is driven by jQuery team members Yehuda Katz and Paul Irish who some of you may know. Yeuhda and Paul have extenstively worked with standards bodies and browser vendors in a number of capacities over the years, with their individual work on SproutCore and Chrome Developer Relations providing them additional perspectives that will be useful when advocating for the community.

You may be wondering why we feel this team deserves to represent the wider web developer community. Because jQuery is used by such a large percentage of sites on the web (over 50% of the top 10,000 sites), we have a good feel for what problems and challenges are commonly faced and what issues with existing implementations we need to try working around. As jQuery is also so focused on DOM-manipulation, the library offers a good source of information for known implementation issues and their (current) best solutions.

Although the current team is primarily composed of jQuery team members, we want to get as many developers passionate about standards and specifications involved with the team as possible. At the end of the day, the team’s goal is to to help identify web developers interested in the process and give us all a forum for both discussing the process, ideas and shared areas of concern. We believe that working together, we can all help build a better web.

Getting Involved

If you’re interested in getting involved with the jQuery Standards Team, the easiest way is to sign up for the Google Group. Similar to other jQuery sub-teams, there are going to be regular public meetings in #jquery-meeting on freenode (date TBA) to discuss how the team can be as effective as possible in promoting the needs of the web developer community.

You might have already seen Paul’s post What feature would improve the web? — if your feedback was captured there, you’ve already gotten involved. ;)

You can also report (or comment) on standard or specification issues in the issue tracker on the official team Github repo. If you’re posting new issues, try to identify problems with specs or standards that either exist or are currently being proposed. Here’s a great example of one such issue.

We want to collect well-specified and articulated issues with the web ecosystem and advocate for improvements with the standards bodies or vendors. For genuine issues, we’ll tag them accordingly (eg. W3C, TC39, Browser-vendor etc.) and if applicable, file tickets with the appropriate standards groups or browser vendors so you don’t have to.


By creating this new forum we hope to give a voice to the millions of web developers interested in contributing to the process, but without an easy way to do so. Please let us know what your thoughts are about the team as we want to improve it as much as possible. We look forward to hearing your comments, suggestions and ideas about both it and the standards process!

jQuery 1.6.4 Released

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jQuery 1.6.4 Released

This is a minor point release of jQuery. We’re releasing it fix a couple issues that came up during the release of jQuery 1.6.3.

You can get the code from the jQuery CDN:

You can help us by dropping that code into your existing application and letting us know that if anything no longer works. Please file a bug and be sure to mention that you’re testing against jQuery 1.6.4.

We want to encourage everyone from the community to try and get involved in contributing back to jQuery core. We’ve set up a full page of information dedicated towards becoming more involved with the team. The team is here and ready to help you help us!

jQuery 1.6.4 Change Log

The current change log of the 1.6.4 release.


  • #10194: Data attribute names with single dash-surrounded letters cannot be accessed by the camel-case name


  • #10208: $(“form”).live(“submit”, fn) not fired from <button type=”submit”> in IE8


  • #10197: Bug with mime-type application/xhtml+xml in jquery 1.6.3

jQuery 1.6.3 Released

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jQuery 1.6.3 is now out! This is the third minor release on top of jQuery 1.6 and lands a number of fixes for bugs, as listed below.

As usual, we provide two copies of jQuery, one minified and one uncompressed (for debugging or reading).

You can help us by dropping that code into your existing application and letting us know if anything no longer works. Please file a bug and be sure to mention that you’re testing against jQuery 1.6.3.

Many thanks to all the people who reported bugs, submitted patches, and otherwise helped with this release! We want to encourage everyone from the community to get involved in contributing back to jQuery core. We’ve set up a full page of information dedicated towards becoming more involved with the team. The team is here and ready to help you help us!


Fix an XSS attack vector: User ma.la reported a common pattern that many sites are using to select elements using location.hash that allows someone to inject script into the page. This practice seemed widespread enough that we decided to modify the selector recognition to prevent script injection for the most common case. Any string passed to $() cannot contain HTML tags (and thus no script) if it has a “#” character preceding them. See the ticket linked above for more information and a test case.

No more animation “worm holes”: We had high hopes for the browser’s requestAnimationFrame API when we added support into version 1.6. However, one of the highest-volume complaints we’ve received since then relates to the way requestAnimationFrame acts when a tab is not visible. All the animations initiated when the tab is invisible “stack” and are not executed until the tab is brought back into focus. Then they all animate at warp speed! We’ve removed support for this API (which has no impact on the way you call jQuery’s animation features) and plan to incorporate it into a future version of jQuery.

Better handling of HTML5 data attribute names: The $().data() API serves double-duty, handling data for the internal use of jQuery and plugins in addition to reading initial values of HTML5 data- attributes. We’ve improved the ability to use HTML5 conventions such as converting camel-case to camelCase when needed. Remember, however, that the $().data() API only reads the HTML5 data- attributes initially, and does not keep subsequent data changes in sync with attributes for performance reasons. To update the actual attributes in the HTML markup, use .attr().

jQuery 1.6.3 Change Log

The change log of the 1.6.3 release:


  • #9255: jQuery.parseXML error handling does not work in webkit browsers
  • #9854: Pass statusText through instead of “normalizing” it
  • #9887: jQuery.ajaxSetup may cause unnecessary memory usage
  • #9970: Typo in ajax.js: status should be jqXHR.status?
  • #10098: Encode comment-like Accept headers to avoid mobile carrier mangling


  • #9630: foo.contents().hasClass() returns incorrect value
  • #9699: removeAttr(‘style’) does not consistently remove the style attribute in webkit
  • #9719: removeAttr(‘disabled’) doesn’t change input’s color on IE6
  • #9979: .prop(‘tabIndex’) returns inconsistent results for elements that have not yet set tabIndex
  • #9980: Simplify the attr code by using getAttributeNode for everything in IE6/7


  • #9988: Minimal License Header in compressed jQuery


  • #9521: XSS with $(location.hash) and $(#) is needed?
  • #9897: try-catch isPlainObject detection
  • #10076: $.inArray crashes IE6 and Chrome if second argument is `null` or `undefined`


  • #6652: Remove filter:alpha(opacity=100) after animation
  • #9572: Support -ms-transform in .css() method
  • #10021: Can’t add negative numbers using the relative-value syntax with .css() and .animate()


  • #8235: jQuery.data throws a script error in certain circumstances
  • #9318: HTML5 data attributes has strange behaviour with if attribute names contain numbers
  • #9413: $.fn.removeData does not remove data with a dash in a name
  • #9779: Allow non-null|undefined evaluation of data property values
  • #9794: jQuery.fn.data() correctly handle access to arbitrary data property values
  • #10016: Cannot retrieve “false-y” values under key names with dashes using jQuery.data method
  • #10080: unload from frame’s window breaks in IE8


  • #10123: .width() can return a float in Firefox 6


  • #9381: Animations halt when the browser is out of focus due to requestAnimationFrame
  • #9678: setInterval cleared by animation


  • #7071: Accessing the ‘type’ property on VML elements fails on IE during submit special handler


  • #9587: Cloning a div with an object causes error in IE8


  • #9634: Visible “t” character in upper left corner during support.js init
  • #9823: IE 8 crashes when using background-image on BODY in css
  • #9964: test/support.js module strictEqual typo
  • #10029: $.support.scriptEval removed, but still included in documentation

Please do file a bug report with a test case as soon as possible if you find problems, as described above. Blog comments or Twitter aren’t helpful bug reports!

jQuery 1.6.2 Released

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jQuery 1.6.2 Released

jQuery 1.6.2 is now out! This is the second minor release on top of jQuery 1.6 and lands a number of fixes for bugs.

As usual, we provide two copies of jQuery, one minified and one uncompressed (for debugging or reading).

You can feel free to include the above URLs directly into your site and you will get the full performance benefits of a quickly-loading jQuery.

You can help us by dropping that code into your existing application and letting us know that if anything no longer works. Please file a bug and be sure to mention that you’re testing against jQuery 1.6.2.

We want to encourage everyone from the community to try and get involved in contributing back to jQuery core. We’ve set up a full page of information dedicated towards becoming more involved with the team. The team is here and ready to help you help us!

jQuery 1.6.2 Change Log

The current change log of the 1.6.2 release.


  • #9286: Using live submit on forms
  • #9298: $(elem).attr(eventName) not working properly in IE7
  • #9329: attr(“title”) issue in ie7
  • #9362: .attr(“value”) does not work for meter elements
  • #9468: $(‘form’).attr(‘class’) always return undefined in IE 6
  • #9499: removeClass will only remove the first instance of a class


  • #9301: Setting data() via an object with hyphenated keys create inaccessible data.
  • #9368: jQuery.camelCase() defined in css.js, but used more widely
  • #9471: memory leak noticed when loading jquey.1.6.1.min.js included html pages in the iframe


  • #7557: outerWidth()
  • #9237: .css() doesn’t work with relative values on hyphenated properties


  • #9300: outerWidth(true) issue


  • #9220: Animation Callbacks fire AFTER the next queue function executes.
  • #9678: setInterval cleared by animation



  • #8950: (Chrome, Firefox) Second argument (event empty) in jQuery throws error while creating <input>
  • #9370: Compatibility Issue with jQuery 1.6 and IE6


  • #9239: Version 1.6.0 breaks the background behavior on body element
  • #9440: v1.6.1 messes up layout in IE8

jQuery 1.6.2 RC 1 Released

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This is a preview release of jQuery. We’re releasing it so that everyone can start testing the code in their applications, making sure that there are no major problems.

You can get the code from the jQuery CDN:

You can help us by dropping that code into your existing application and letting us know that if anything no longer works. Please file a bug and be sure to mention that you’re testing against jQuery 1.6.2 RC 1.

We want to encourage everyone from the community to try and get involved in contributing back to jQuery core. We’ve set up a full page of information dedicated towards becoming more involved with the team. The team is here and ready to help you help us!

jQuery 1.6.2 RC 1 Change Log

The current change log of the 1.6.2 RC 1 release.


  • #9286: Using live submit on forms
  • #9298: $(elem).attr(eventName) not working properly in IE7
  • #9329: attr(“title”) issue in ie7
  • #9362: .attr(“value”) does not work for meter elements
  • #9468: $(‘form’).attr(‘class’) always return undefined in IE 6
  • #9499: removeClass will only remove the first instance of a class


  • #9301: Setting data() via an object with hyphenated keys create inaccessible data.
  • #9368: jQuery.camelCase() defined in css.js, but used more widely
  • #9471: memory leak noticed when loading jquey.1.6.1.min.js included html pages in the iframe


  • #7557: outerWidth()
  • #9237: .css() doesn’t work with relative values on hyphenated properties


  • #9300: outerWidth(true) issue


  • #9220: Animation Callbacks fire AFTER the next queue function executes.



  • #8950: (Chrome, Firefox) Second argument (event empty) in jQuery throws error while creating <input>
  • #9370: Compatibility Issue with jQuery 1.6 and IE6


  • #9239: Version 1.6.0 breaks the background behavior on body element
  • #9440: v1.6.1 messes up layout in IE8

jQuery Color v2 Beta 1 Released

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Back in 2007 we released the jQuery Color Plugin, and it has been providing you with color-based animations ever since. We are now preparing a second version of this plugin which adds an API, RGBA, HSLA, and many other features. It is time for a beta! The repository for this plugin can be found at github.com/jquery/jquery-color.  There are also uncompressed and minified versions available on code.jquery.com.

New Feature Overview:


We now support RGBA color values. In browsers that don’t support RGBA, the nearest backgroundColor to the element will be used to calculate a “blended” approximation of the color. Although this isn’t “true” alpha, it will at least provide the illusion of alpha when dealing with solid background colors.  This is a screenshot of Opera 10, Chrome 10, Firefox 3.6, and IE 6 all running this demonstration of alpha blending:
Opera 10, Chrome 10, Firefox 3.6, and IE 6  demonstrating alpha blending


We also now support using HSLA color values across all browsers, with the execption of alpha, which uses the same techniques described above.

Easy-to-use API

Instead of a simple group of private utility methods, $.Color() now creates a new Color object. The new Color object can be initialized in a few different ways: color names, hexidecimal color codes, css style rgba/hsla, an array of rgba values, or an object with the color properties. There are now helper methods for each color property, like .red() and .hue() that can get or set the particular value. Combined with helper functions like .toRgbString(), .transition() and .is(), $.Color can now handle whatever color needs you might have. Refer to the README on github.com/jquery/jquery-color for an overview of all the new functions available. No longer is jQuery.Color just providing you with animation of simple colors, you can now use its API to do complex color calculations and animations!

Quick Examples:

// Create a red Color object:
var red = $.Color( 'rgba(255,0,0,1)' ); // using a css string

// Create a red Color object, then make orange:
var orange = $.Color( '#FF0000' ).green( 153 );

// Get the color halfway between red and blue:
var between = $.Color([ 255, 0, 0 ]).transition( "blue", 0.5 );

Animating Partial Colors

We have added support for only defining one or two properties of a color object so that you can animate using a partial color like this:

// desaturate the background of this element
    backgroundColor: $.Color({ saturation: 0 })
}, 1000);

Reporting Problems / Requesting Features:

If you find any problems with the new color plugin, or would like to request a feature, please create a github issue.

Also, we’d love to see and showcase some excellent uses of the new $.Color beta, so please be sure to share it with us in the comments.

jQuery 1.6.1 Released

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We’re pleased to announce the first update to jQuery 1.6!

You can get the code from the jQuery CDN:

Additionally you can also load the URLs directly from Microsoft and Google’s CDNs:

Microsoft CDN: http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.6.1.min.js
Google CDN: https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.1/jquery.min.js

You can help us by dropping that code into your existing application and letting us know that if anything no longer works. Please file a bug and be sure to mention that you’re testing against jQuery 1.6.1.

We want to encourage everyone from the community to try and get involved in contributing back to jQuery core. We’ve set up a full page of information dedicated towards becoming more involved with the team. The team is here and ready to help you help us!

Upgrading From 1.5.2 to 1.6.1

With the introduction of the new .prop() method and the changes to the .attr() method, jQuery 1.6 sparked a discussion about the difference between attributes and properties and how they relate to each other. It also came with some backwards compatibility issues that have been fixed in 1.6.1. When updating from 1.5.2 to 1.6.1, you should not have to change any attribute code.

Below is a description of the changes to the Attributes module in jQuery 1.6 and 1.6.1, as well as the preferred usage of the .attr() method and the .prop() method. However, as previously stated, jQuery 1.6.1 will allow you to use .attr() just as it was used before in all situations.

Note that the changes described in the 1.6 release notes regarding the .data() method have been worked around and now work seamlessly between 1.5.2 and 1.6.1.

What’s Changed

The changes to the Attributes module removed the ambiguity between attributes and properties, but caused some confusion in the jQuery community, since all versions of jQuery prior to 1.6 have handled attributes and properties in one method(.attr()). The old .attr() method had many bugs and was hard to maintain.

jQuery 1.6.1 comes with several bug fixes as well as an update to the Attributes module.

Specifically, boolean attributes such as checked, selected, readonly, and disabled in 1.6.1 will be treated just as they used to be treated in jQuery versions prior to 1.6. This means that code such as

$(“:checkbox”).attr(“checked”, true);
$(“option”).attr(“selected”, true);
$(“input”).attr(“readonly”, true);
$(“input”).attr(“disabled”, true);

or even:

if ( $(“:checkbox”).attr(“checked”) ) { /* Do something */ }

will not need to be changed in 1.6.1 in order to work as previously expected.

To make the changes to .attr() in jQuery 1.6 clear, here are some examples of the use cases of .attr() that worked in previous versions of jQuery that should be switched to use .prop() instead:

.attr() Proper .prop() usage
$(window).attr… $(window).prop…
$(document).attr… $(document).prop…
$(“:checkbox”).attr(“checked”, true); $(“:checkbox”).prop(“checked”, true);
$(“option”).attr(“selected”, true); $(“option”).prop(“selected”, true);

First, using the .attr() method on the window or document did not work in jQuery 1.6 because the window and document cannot have attributes. They contain properties (such as location or readyState) that should be manipulated with .prop() or simply with raw javascript. In jQuery 1.6.1, the .attr() will defer to the .prop() method for both the window and document instead of throwing an error.

Next, checked, selected, and other boolean attributes previously mentioned are receiving special treatment because of the special relationship between these attributes and their corresponding properties. Basically, an attribute is what you see in the html:

<input type=”checkbox” checked=”checked”>

Boolean attributes such as checked only set the default or initial value. In the case of a checkbox, the checked attribute sets whether the checkbox should be checked when the page loads.

Properties are what the browser uses to keep track of the current values. Normally, properties reflect their corresponding attributes (if they exist). This is not the case with boolean attributes. Boolean properties stay up to date when the user clicks a checkbox or selects an option in a select element. The corresponding boolean attributes do not. As was stated above, they are used by the browser only to store the initial value.

$(“:checkbox”).get(0).checked = true;
// Is the same as $(":checkbox:first").prop(“checked”, true);

In jQuery 1.6, setting checked with

$(“:checkbox”).attr(“checked”, true);

would not check the checkbox because it was the property that needed to be set and all you were setting was the initial value.

However, once jQuery 1.6 was released, the jQuery team understood that it was not particularly useful to set something that the browser was only concerned with on page load. Therefore, in the interest of backwards compatibility and the usefulness of the .attr() method, we will continue to be able to get and set these boolean attributes with the .attr() method in jQuery 1.6.1.

The most common boolean attributes are checked, selected, disabled, and readOnly, but here is a full list of boolean attributes/properties that jQuery 1.6.1 supports dynamically getting and setting with .attr():

autofocus, autoplay, async, checked, controls, defer, disabled,
hidden, loop, multiple, open, readonly, required, scoped, selected

It is still recommended that .prop() be used when setting these boolean attributes/properties, but your code will continue working in jQuery 1.6.1 even if these use cases are not switched to use the .prop() method.

Below is a list of some attributes and properties and which method should normally be used when getting or setting them. This is the preferred usage, but the .attr() method will work in all attribute cases.

Note that some DOM Element properties are also listed below – but will only work with the new .prop() method.

Attribute/Property .attr() .prop()
location *
width **

* For example, with window.location
** If needed over .width()

Neither .attr() nor .prop() should be used for getting/setting value. Use the .val() method instead (although using .attr(“value”, “somevalue”) will continue to work, as it did before 1.6).

Summary of Preferred Usage

The .prop() method should be used for boolean attributes/properties and for properties which do not exist in html (such as window.location). All other attributes (ones you can see in the html) can and should continue to be manipulated with the .attr() method.

jQuery 1.6.1 Change Log

The current change log of the 1.6.1 release.


  • #9071: $(‘<option></option>’).val(‘myValue’) no longer sets value
  • #9079: .attr(“selected”) returns non-useful value in 1.6
  • #9089: 1.6 atrr() Inconsistant in IE7,8
  • #9094: Issue with jQuery 1.6: Can’t uncheck checkboxes
  • #9103: .attr(‘foo’, true) not setting related DOM property
  • #9123: Strange behavior of attr method when generate input element.
  • #9129: jQuery does not support enumerated attributes such as contenteditable
  • #9191: attr checked bug on radio


  • #9124: Changes to $.data illogical in certain case
  • #9126: jquery breaks on use strict


  • #9104: Returning null or undefined in a pipe filter function causes an exception


  • #9074: Cannot animate position and opacity at same time
  • #9100: Order of hide() callbacks has changed


  • #9069: when hover over a child of an element, mouseleave fires when using live or delegate


  • #9072: jQuery 1.6 Crashes IE 6
  • #9221: Javascript within AJAX fails to load in IE – Error 80020101


  • #9147: Variable tmp in promise implicitly declared?


  • #7341: Slow .add() in IE
  • #9096: Selector or find bug in jQuery 1.6
  • #9154: :reset pseudo-selector broken


  • #8763: Unhandled exception: document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(div, null) is null (FF, hidden iframe)
  • #9109: support.boxModel now false in IE6 even when not in quirks mode