jQuery 1.6.4 Released

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jQuery 1.6.4 Released

This is a minor point release of jQuery. We’re releasing it fix a couple issues that came up during the release of jQuery 1.6.3.

You can get the code from the jQuery CDN:

You can help us by dropping that code into your existing application and letting us know that if anything no longer works. Please file a bug and be sure to mention that you’re testing against jQuery 1.6.4.

We want to encourage everyone from the community to try and get involved in contributing back to jQuery core. We’ve set up a full page of information dedicated towards becoming more involved with the team. The team is here and ready to help you help us!

jQuery 1.6.4 Change Log

The current change log of the 1.6.4 release.


  • #10194: Data attribute names with single dash-surrounded letters cannot be accessed by the camel-case name


  • #10208: $(“form”).live(“submit”, fn) not fired from <button type=”submit”> in IE8


  • #10197: Bug with mime-type application/xhtml+xml in jquery 1.6.3

11 thoughts on “jQuery 1.6.4 Released

  1. There is a new bug in this version (1.6.2 is ok):


    always returns ‘checked’
    (input tag with type ‘checkbox’)

  2. apollolux on said:

    @errox – while that probably is true and probably should be fixed, i would think using $(‘#xyz’).is(‘:checked’) instead would probably be more beneficial in the long run.

  3. @Dylan

    #10208 ONLY affects IE 8, and only live() + form submit. I concede that it’s not a trivial bug, but I wouldn’t think it’d merit a point release especially considering it works in 1.6.2. Pretty sure I’ve seen much larger (impact-wise) bugs that didn’t push a release, but perhaps I’m wrong.

    And in the end I’m much happier with more releases vs. fewer releases :)

    Thanks, jQuery, and keep up the good work!