jQuery 1.7.1 RC1 Released

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Just to let you know we’re not asleep at the switch around jQuery Central, we’ve got a new preview release of jQuery. It fixes the problems reported by the community since the original 1.7 release. Please test the code in your applications, making sure that there are no major problems. If you tried jQuery 1.7 and reported a bug, it should be fixed in this release.

You can get the code from the jQuery CDN:

You can help us by dropping that code into your existing application and letting us know that if anything no longer works. Please file a bug and be sure to mention that you’re testing against jQuery 1.7.1 RC1.

We want to encourage everyone from the community to try and get involved in contributing back to jQuery core. We’ve set up a full page of information dedicated towards becoming more involved with the team. The team is here and ready to help you help us!

jQuery 1.7.1 RC1 Change Log

The current change log of the 1.7.1 RC1 release.


  • #10723: jqXHR.always() returns a Promise instead of a jqXHR object


  • #10724: $(document).text() always returns an empty string
  • #10773: removeAttr is fragile for edge cases


  • #10630: Fix focus-related test failures to resolve Swarm failures


  • #10616: Type coersion not done for -1 in .eq
  • #10646: Have jQuery.error throw instanceof Error object
  • #10682: Creating DOM elements with $(‘ ‘) leaks memory and skips the fragment cache
  • #10687: jQuery calls the AMD define() global function too early
  • #10690: isNumeric


  • #10733: remove uses of jQuery.each in css module in favor of a for loop


  • #10675: Use internalKey shortcut instead of jQuery.expando


  • #10669: .animate() no longer animates percentage(%) width
  • #10750: A “null” in the data object can cause an error in stop


  • #10676: wheelDelta not added to mousewheel event anymore
  • #10701: Problems with submit forms using submit function
  • #10704: special.handle method should fire under origType name
  • #10705: off bug event name parser
  • #10712: Triggering blur with live bind broken
  • #10717: A triggered load bubbles up to window
  • #10791: Delegated Events fail on SVG elements
  • #10794: .triggerHandler should not .preventDefault()
  • #10798: live(“submit”) and .submit() would cause unobtrusive ajax live to fire twice


  • #10177: index of callback function in .wrap is always 0
  • #10667: HTML5 Support in .wrapAll() does add a “:” to element
  • #10670: rnoshimcache probably not constructed correctly
  • #10812: passing empty object to .before() or .after() throws exception in IE7


  • #10691: remove all occurrences of the “equals” and “same” function in the unit tests`


  • #10629: IE is much too sensitive concerning the fake body. Explore cleaning up support.js to avoid any future crashes

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