jQuery 1.4 Alpha 1 Released
Hot off the presses: jQuery 1.4 Alpha 1 is released! This is the first alpha release of jQuery 1.4. The code is stable (passing all tests in all browsers we support), feature-complete (we’re no longer accepting new features for the release), and needs to be tested in live applications.
Grab the code:
- Regular: http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4a1.js
- Minified: http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4a1.min.js
NOTE: If you’re using jQuery 1.4a1 and you run into an error please make sure that you’re using the regular version of the code, it’ll make it easier to spot where the error is occurring.
How can I help?
To start, try dropping the above un-minified version of jQuery 1.4a1 into a live application that you’re running. If you hit an exception or some weirdness occurs immediately login to the bug tracker and file a bug. Be sure to mention that you hit the bug in jQuery 1.4a1!
We’ll be closely monitoring the bug reports that come in and will work hard to fix any inconsistencies between jQuery 1.3.2 and jQuery 1.4.
What to Watch For
There are a few areas in jQuery that have seen extensive changes since 1.3.2 was released:
- live was drastically overhauled and now supports submit, change, mouseenter, mouseleave, focus, and blur events in all browsers. Also now supports context and data.
- append, prepend, etc. have been heavily optimized.
- add has been adjusted to always return elements in document order.
- find, empty, remove, addClass, removeClass, hasClass, attr, and css have been heavily optimized.
Full details concerning the release are forthcoming – for now we just need your help in catch regressions. Some more details can be found in John Resig’s keynote at the 2009 jQuery Conference.
Note: There are still a few open bugs that we will be reviewing before jQuery 1.4 final is released.
With your input we should be able to produce a solid release. Right now we’re looking to push out at least one more alpha before the holiday season and a final release candidate early in January. Thanks for your help in reviewing jQuery 1.4a1!