New Plugin Repository
One of the great aspects of jQuery is its extensibility, as evidenced by the many excellent plugins that have been developed for it. The jQuery team, and the Web team in particular, have been working hard behind the scenes to put together a repository to showcase these plugins.

The new repository comes with a few features that are sure to help users to find what they’re looking for and determine which plugins will best suit their needs. There’s the (jQuery-based) ratings widget to let you know how highly others value each plugin. The ratings are viewable by all, and you can rate them yourself by simply registering on the site with a user name and email address. You’ll also have easier access to change logs, demos, and documentation, as well as bug reporting and feature requests.
There are still a few rough edges to be smoothed out, and the list of plugins on the site is admittedly small so far. We’re requesting that plugin authors post their work to the new plugin repository in the next couple weeks, as we’ll be gradually phasing out the plugins wiki page.
Special thanks to Mike Hostetler for the hours of work he put in to get the repository off to a great start.
Check it out at:
SO much easier on the eyes than what that last monstrous list had become.
Superb job! :)
Looking great. One suggestion I have is to put the ratings in the list as well.
There does not seem to be a search ? (You know like… in the wiki).
It needs a search ! (And with results-as-you-type please ;) ).
Nice upgrade. Sorry if this is a stupid question – but just to be clear, do you want us to add our plugins over the next few weeks, or in a few weeks (i.e. hold off until it’s finished?).
The only thing I could see that was missing is a direct link to the plugin itself (since I don’t have a public CVS repository I couldn’t see how to link to it).
@Remy: Over the next few weeks. There’s three possible links that you can provide: Home Page, Demo, and Documentation. Once you submit the form to add the plugin, you’ll be asked to add its first “release” (e.g. version 1.2 or some such) that’s where you’ll upload the specific code, add release notes, etc.
Great work!
It’s great to see more Drupal/project.module based installations on the web …
Are you planning to migrate the rest of the site to Drupal as well?
@frando: Possibly, but that remains to be seen. A long time ago we tried to do an implementation of the whole site using nothing but Drupal, but it was simply too much to tackle – so we scaled way back and decided to focus just on plugins (as it was the one thing that we needed more than anything else). I think we made the right decision.
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Looks cool, but there seems to be a problem with the Drag-and-Drop link. The link turns black but there’s no content update. It looks as if there are no plugins in that category.
Grate! enjoy it much already, nice and clean, make a big difference. i like the detailed view for each plug-in , again nicely done.
Also agree with using Drupal! I’ve been using Drupal for some years now, and started using jQuery and at about this time there were the talks to integrate jQuery and Drupal. I’m glad to see this being used for the plugins, but what is the plan to link it up with the Google Code SVN repos?
– Use smaller fonts, and/or reduce height-line space for paragraphs. In fact, there is few text, but creates looong vertical scrolls. It would be ideal to show small floating-pills for each plugin.
– A way to avoid the final page for each plugin: It adds only few links and the rate. It would be nice to show all these in the previous list (with small icons, for example), avoiding another unuseful mouse “click”. I’m sure you can show more info, in less space…
great work!!!
Thanks for all the wonderful feedback concerning the new jQuery
Plugins Repository. I’ve been out of town for the last 3 weeks and
it’s very encouraging reading up on all the feedback.
To ensure all of the feature requests and bug reports are not lost,
I’ve set up a jQuery Plugins Website project issue queue. If you’ve
found a “rough edge” on the new site, please help me out and submit a
bug report to this queue. I really appreciate it.
For the future, I’ve added a note on the plugin site with the same
Mike Hostetler
Huge Job.
Thanks ;)